Childcare needs to evolve. It's 2025.

Hi, Beverly is a deeply personal journey for our team.

For thousands of years, humans have always raised kids by getting help in their communities. This process is more or less the same today.

However our jobs, social lives, and daily challenges are vastly more complex in the 21st century. We live further away from our families, lead more solitary lives and have fewer access to trusted people who can help us raise our kids. As a result, childcare is the #1 challenge that keeps modern families exhausted today.

As we live in urban cores across New York and California, we keep seeing parents stretched thin from life's responsibilities. This country is packed with incredible women who want to build the next phase of our civilization. We know they can achieve so much more, and be so much happier, if they have better childcare setup.

We also see how caregivers we rely on every day - nannies, sitters and mother's helpers -are asked to manage the chaos that's hard to sustain, with little logistics support. They heroically take on work that make us believe one person can do it all. But in reality, nobody can.

When looking for a solution, we drew inspiration from the worlds we have been part of in San Francisco and Beverly Hills, California.

We realized many successful executives, founders and celebrities had a shared secret weapon. With the help of their team of assistants and caregivers, they built "family teams", a series of systems that made it possible to work with a small group of vetted caregivers and made their childcare journeys way more comfortable. When coordinated better, both families and caregivers worked better. They become more present and focused to nurture the future instead of managing unnecessary details that caused stress.      

If we want our civilization to survive the next century, we need to make this setup possible for more parents and caregivers. Because we believe it will lead to a healthier, happier and stronger family, with better outcomes for our kids and our society.

By combining our experience in technology, people management, credentialing, recruiting ops and systems design, we are building a new, better experience tailored for today's modern family and caregivers.  

From curated teams of top caregivers, backup systems, parenting experts and elite coordinators, we know how much having the right village could help transform the childcare journey. 

If you are interested in strengthening your village, we would love to hear from you.